Thursday, December 27, 2012


  • Every TWELVE months or 12,000 miles, the brakes, spark plugs, coolant and steering and suspension should be checked to prolong the life of your vehicle.
  • Every THREE months or 3,000 miles, change the engine oil and filter, check the levels of other fluids including automatic transmission, power steering and brake, and check battery and cables, belts and hoses. 
  • The exhaust and fuel filter should also be checked at the THREE month interval also.
  • Perform MONTHLY checks of tire pressure & the condition of tires, lights & windshield washer fluid. 
  • The vehicle should also be cleaned MONTHLY.
  • Every SIX months or 6,000 miles, the chassis lubrication should be checked & windshield wipers should be replaced so that you can clearly see the road ahead and behind you.
If the "Check Engine" light comes on, vehicles should be IMMEDIATELY taken in for service to identify the problem. It may indicate a small issue or it could be a major problem. Don't risk it in 2013!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas-Happy Holidays and a Successful 2013 to All!

Thank you to all whom ever viewed this blog, read a sentence or watched a video. I hope We have helped you in some way to keep your vehicle running great! We are here for you now and will continue our commitment in 2013! Now please take less than a minute (Yes it's True) to view this video, comment and or share it, and help to spread our car care message word wide! 
From Me, Brian and the Crew!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

My engine cranks slower and slower, then clicks

      The engine cranks  slower and slower, then clicks

If the engine cranks slower and slower until it just clicks, this means the starter motor doesn't have enough power to turn over the engine so it cannot start. This problem should be fairly easy to figure out, as there are just two cables (positive and negative) to deliver the electric current from your battery to the starter motor. A very weak battery is the most common problem in this case
 A bad starter motor also can cause starting problems. In my case it just went completely dead. I had to get towed and waited for a new motor to arrive. Of course, a poor connection or corrosion at the battery terminals or bad battery cables can also cause these symptoms. If the battery is very old, you might want to start with replacing the battery; a new battery is not very expensive.

Thursday, December 6, 2012